Centennial recognizes the need for pastors and staff members to have intentional times of rest and renewal. We want to help you achieve long-lasting and productive ministries in your churches. Healthy pastors and staff are better equipped to lead healthy churches. Being proactive about creating a Ministry Renewal Leave (Sabbatical) Policy for your church demonstrates to your pastor and staff that you care about them and that you believe in their ministry.

What can Centennial do to help?

·         Work with your church leadership to produce a Ministry Renewal Leave (Sabbatical) Policy that fits your church. A sample policy is available with suggested language and terms, but each church can adapt it to their context.

·         Educate your church on the value of Ministry Renewal Leave also known as Sabbatical. This may take the form of meeting with deacons or church council. It may also require speaking to the entire congregation to ensure they understand the purpose.

·         Provide Pulpit Supply during the Ministry Renewal Leave. In addition to your Mission Strategist, Centennial is blessed to have many capable preachers who are willing to support your church during a pastor or staff member’s leave. We will work with your church to schedule speakers in advance of the leave. Whether you desire one preacher to cover the entire leave or several preachers to provide a variety, we will work to do whatever you need from us.

·         Help pastors and staff members develop a Ministry Renewal Leave plan that best suits his or her needs. If your church chooses to offer leave, we want the pastor or staff member to make the most of it.

·         Connect pastors and staff members to resources. If you need help finding a marriage retreat, an affordable place to step away, a biblical counselor, a missions opportunity, good books to read, or anything else, we want to help connect you to what you need.

The following documents were created to help you plan your Ministry Renewal Leave Policy. Feel free to adapt these for your own needs.

Sample Ministry Renewal Leave (Sabbatical) Policy

Sample Ministry Renewal Leave (Sabbatical) Request Form

Frequently Asked Questions