The Centennial Baptist Association exists to network churches through equipping and encouraging them to make disciples.
Networking Churches to Make Disciples
Centennial Baptist Association is a partnership of Baptist churches in Lamar, Pike, Monroe, and Upson Counties.
The Bible is the sole guide for faith and practice for all churches of this Association.
The Doctrinal Statement known as the Baptist Faith & Message (2000) represents the doctrinal beliefs of this Association.
Centennial Association promotes missions, fellowship, evangelism, church organization, church growth, church health, and Christian education in cooperation with other Associations, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, and the Southern Baptist Convention.
The Association encourages giving through the local church, the local association, and the Cooperative Program.
The Centennial Baptist Association is organized around four priorities:
Church Health & Strengthening
Missions & Community Impact
Campus & Collegiate Ministry
Church Planting & Replanting