Mission Georgia: Gospel Impact in Every Community
During this session we will explore what the Bible says about Biblical justice, gain a deeper understanding of critical needs in Georgia and identify practical ways your church can make an even greater gospel impact in your own community.
Beth Ann Williams began with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board as the Adult Missions Consultant in 2007, and in 2013 transitioned to the role of Baptist Woman’s Missionary Union of Georgia Executive Director. In 2019, she was named Lead Strategist for Georgia Baptist Women which includes serving leaders in WMU, Women’s Ministry and Mission Georgia.
Connecting people to missions and ministry is her passion! Beth Ann has led Southern Baptists in several Olympic ministries, including directing the 2002 Winter Games Outreach in Salt Lake City, UT. She has served on the Utah-Idaho Baptist Convention staff, and previously Georgia Baptists as a consultant in Mission Volunteers. Beth Ann is married to Dan, and they have two young adult daughters, Danielle and Ella Grace. Together they enjoy hiking, kayaking, and cheering for Atlanta United, Georgia football and Kentucky basketball!