October CBA News Article

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

The teacher begins Ecclesiastes 3, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” We all experience seasons in our lives. Perhaps you are going through a season of joy, where God is pouring out His favor in a way that others notice God’s goodness. Or maybe you are in a season of drought, where no matter what you do, it seems fruitless. Some of us are going through a season of change. Marni and I are experiencing some of that. Many of the changes are beyond our control, things that affect our kids’ jobs or schools or our parents’ health. Isn’t it reassuring to know that whatever we are going through God is our firm foundation? He is constant and sure no matter what. I was reminded Sunday morning that God has promised us a blessed future with Him, and God cannot lie. My prayer for you today is that you will fix your hope on our constant God.

The Annual Fall Meeting will be held October 22 at The Rock Church! Come see and hear what God has been doing through this replant. We will also hear from the various ministries of the Centennial Association. The Annual Fall meeting is a great way for your church to connect with existing ministries and to network with other churches to see how you can best work together. Come early to drop off your Christmas Backpacks and have a Chick-fil-A meal with us. Then stay for the business meeting and time of worship where Pastor Eddie Johnson, Macedonia Baptist Church, will be bringing a message from God’s Word.

Many of our churches are also in a time of transition as they bring on new deacons. How we serve the people God has given us matters. The Bible gives us qualifications for deacons which we carefully follow. However, we want to make sure our deacons are not just qualified but are equipped with the skills and tools needed to minister well. Larry and Cynthia Thompson will be leading SERVE, a leadership workshop for pastors, staff, deacons, and their spouses on November 16th at Fellowship Baptist Church. The Thompsons bring a wealth of experience and will be a blessing to your church. I encourage every church member to insist that your deacons and staff attend this workshop. Whether you have been serving for years or you are newly installed, you will benefit from this time together.