Thailand Partnership with the Blackmons

Cheryl, John, Lillie Jo, and Josiah

The Blackmons faithfully served Meansville Baptist Church and the Centennial Association for over 10 years. They have answered the call to go and serve across the globe in Bangkok. Thailand. In their new roles, they serve in one of the most unreached cities in the world. In January 2025, John became the Senior Pastor of Calvary International Baptist Church.

On the recommendation of the Missions Team, The Executive Committee of the Centennial Association voted in February 2022 to begin a missions partnership with the Blackmons. Our partnership includes:

  • A designated account so churches and individuals can contribute to their ministry through Centennial.

  • A commitment to send the Blackmons $750 per month for a period of two years. This amount was later increased to $1000 and then to $2000 as churches as individuals faithfully contributed.

  • Plans to organize a mission trip to go and help the Blackmons. Our first trip is tentatively scheduled for November 2025.

  • A love offering to be received at REFOCUS to help cover initial expenses such as airfare and moving costs. This offering was collected, and you will be happy to know that it was $6,100.03. In addition to that, several churches and individuals sent funds to CBA bringing the total to over $12,000. This was a little more than what was needed to cover the Blackmons’ initial expenses of moving to Bangkok.

As you pray for the Blackmons:

· Pray for them as they serve the Lord in a very different culture.

· Pray for those to whom they will be ministering to be receptive to the Gospel.

· Pray for Lillie Jo and Josiah as they learn a new culture and adapt to a new environment.

· Pray for John as he takes on the role of Senior Pastor.

If you want to receive regular updates on the Blackmons, sign up for their newsletter by emailing them at or by clicking on the link HERE. We will also be including a short update in the regular CBA newsletter.

Although our financial partnership with the Blackmons has ended due to John moving into the Senior Pastor role, we still consider this a prayer partnership and hope to provide opportunities for our churches to work closely with the Blackmons and Calvary International Baptist Church.

Bangkok Mission Trip

Interest Meeting

Sunday, February 16 @ 4:00 PM

The Rock Church

If you are interested in going with us to Bangkok in the fall of 2025, or if you just want to hear about it so you can pray for the mission team, please join us for this informal meeting to discuss details. There is no commitment or payment due at this time. We are excited about the opportunity to visit with the Blackmons and serve alongside them in Bangkok.