May 2019 CBA News Article

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love one for another.”

The Apostle John recorded these words of Jesus that were spoken on the night He was betrayed. Having a limited amount of time, our Lord made sure His closest followers knew the importance of loving the way He loves. Love One Another is the theme for the National Day of Prayer which will take place on May 2, 2019. Each county in our association will have an observance, and I hope that you will take the time to join your community in prayer. More than that, I hope that you will take seriously Jesus’ mandate to love one another. The world needs to see and experience people of God who genuinely love.

By the time many of you read this, Elevate will have concluded. Thank you for your participation and for taking advantage of the opportunity to strengthen your church. Many churches struggle to survive when God has both the power and the desire for each church to thrive. As your Associational Mission Strategist, it is my privilege and hope to help your church be what God desires. We all want to see souls saved and disciples made. Hopefully you were able to glean from Bob Bickford some things that will help you achieve God’s purpose in your church.

School will be out, and summer will be in full swing before we know it. Enjoy these days of graduations, honors programs, and end-of-year activities. Invest your time in the next generation, even if you don’t have a student of your own. You would be surprised how much impact you can have on a family when you show support for their child, not to mention what it says to that child. As we move into the summer, I look forward to seeing many of you at Vacation Bible School, as well.

If you are looking for missions opportunities this summer, we are here to help. EQUIP Missions will take place June 23-26 at FBC Barnesville. Contact Jason Teal or the CBA office for more information. We are also continuing our partnership with Riverbend Church Planting Network in Allentown, PA. If you would like to be part of the team, contact the CBA office. We need to have deposits paid by June 1 for our trip which will be held July 30-August 4. We know that many of our churches are also going on mission all over our country and the world. If you are interested in going, but do not know where to start, call us and we will connect you with the right folks.

What a blessing to be able to serve together! Thank you for the tremendous spirit of cooperation and unity. Praise be to God for allowing us to work together for His kingdom purpose.