March 2017 CBA Newsletter

A Word from Your Missionary:

When I was in student ministry years ago, I read some curriculum that used the phrase “Inward, Outward, Upward” to describe life in the church. This month we have several opportunities as an association to focus on equipping believers (inward), ministering to our communities (outward), and worshipping together (upward).

The “Inward” part begins with the EQUIP Youth Discipleship weekend where our students and leaders will learn how to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength (upward) and love their neighbors (outward). Hey, look what I did there. Pray with me for our next generation as they worship and learn together. Thank you to all the leaders who are working to make this happen.

We will also be training children’s workers at the Children’s Ministry Workshop. This year the focus is on child protection, and we hope you will send your folks. Don’t forget to sign up early if you plan to attend the Stewards of Children training.

The “Outward” part of this month is happening in a number of ways:

· At EQUIP, the students will be collecting items for various local ministries.

· The Dental Health Clinic will provide care for many of our neighbors. We are still in need of several volunteers for that event. If you are able to help us out, please contact the CBA office. Please, help us get the word out so that more people can be served.

· We are collecting items at the Spring Meeting for the Georgia Baptist Children’s Home in Meansville.

The “Upward” part is my favorite. In addition to worshipping with students at EQUIP, we get to worship together at the Annual Spring Meeting at Milner and hear a message from Bobby Boswell. I always enjoy these times together of fellowship, hearing some reports, doing a little business, and then worshipping as the Lord’s Church. Please join me.

Two more things to keep in mind: The deadline for the Cliburn Scholarship in April 1st . The Strategy Planning Team is asking for input from our pastors to help us better understand the needs of our association. You will receive a survey from us soon, and we ask that you prayerfully respond by attending an assessment interview that will be scheduled in late April. More details will be shared at the Spring Meeting.

God is at work in the Centennial Baptist Association. Let us thank Him together for inviting us to participate in His plan.

In His Name,

Steve Laughman