A Word from Your Missionary:
How big do you dream? Whether God has given you the responsibility to pastor a church, lead a ministry, parent children, or just do your part for the Kingdom, I believe God wants us to expect great things. The father of the modern missions movement, William Carey, is quoted as saying, “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” His life certainly demonstrated a dedication to this admonition.
It is easy to get frustrated and beaten down in ministry. Sometimes it seems that the whole world is against you. Guess what? It probably is. Jesus told his disciples that the world would hate them because of their association with Him. When the believers in Acts were beaten for preaching the Gospel, they rejoiced because they were deemed worthy to suffer for the name of Jesus. Sometimes we think that the slightest opposition to us is reason enough to give up and try something different. If we have taken the time to make sure our goals are covered in prayer and in line with God’s will, nothing should prevent us from reaching them. Through His strength we can do great things.
So I return to my first question: How big do you dream? Do you see your church baptizing twice as many people in 2017 as you did in 2016? Do you see yourself personally winning more people to Jesus this year? Can you imagine how your life would change if you made a point to share your story with people every week or even every day? How many lost people in Upson, Pike, Lamar, and Monroe counties can come to Jesus this year if we all just dedicate ourselves to boldly sharing the Gospel? Have you identified someone you can disciple this year? Are there lost people you are praying for and building relationships with? A big dream starts with simple steps.
I know God can do amazing things through people who are willing. Let us be those people. I want to see churches worshipping God without reservation. I want to see people that seem very far from God come to know Him as Savior and Lord. I want to see broken families healed, restored, and actively following Jesus together. I want to see an entire association of churches make such a difference in our communities this year that even the most hard-hearted cynic takes notice and wants to know more about Jesus. How big will you dream in 2017?
In His Name,
Steve Laughman