A Word from Your Missionary:
Fifteen years ago our world changed forever. Terrorists took control of four planes with the intention of bringing our nation to her knees. The towers fell. The Pentagon was rocked. A field in Pennsylvania became a memorial to brave souls who attempted to take back their plane. And on September 11, 2001, and in the days to follow our nation did fall to her knees. For the first time in a long while, we were united in our grief and looked to God Almighty for comfort and healing.
Many people believed God would use that tragic day to bring revival throughout our land. His presence and influence could be felt everywhere. People were unashamed to speak His name. He did bring some to Himself. He did remind us of what could be and of our great need for Him. However, eventually people forgot how desperately we need the Lord. Most Americans stopped looking to God and simply got used to the new normal.
I believe God still wants to revive His church in America. I believe His grace is still sufficient to save lost souls. I believe He still desires repentance and obedience. Not so we can be better Americans or so our nation will prosper. But so we, the children of God, can be the Church shining the light of Christ as a beacon to those who are lost and hurting.
Join me this September 11th as I pray for our nation, our communities and the lost all around us. What if every church set aside time on that Sunday as a solemn assembly dedicated to prayer and repentance? ENCOUNTER begins the following evening. We have all prayed and prepared for a harvest of souls. Let us make sure our own hearts are right and ready for revival, so that we can make Him known.
In His Name,
Steve Laughman