March CBA News Article

A Word from Your Missionary:

Years ago I was part of an area-wide revival that we called “Soul Harvest.” It was a beautiful experience as churches of various denominations and racial backgrounds joined together for worship and the proclamation of God’s Word. I was appointed to organize the counseling area, which was a large hallway next to the school gym where we were meeting. On the night Larry Wynn preached, I believe it was a Tuesday, God made His presence known and 62 people made decisions to follow Christ. Our hallway was packed full. There were counselors talking with two or three people at once. Bibles and materials were being passed out faster than we could get them out of the boxes. It was so much fun!

We are blessed to have Larry Wynn scheduled to preach at our CBA Spring Meeting and One Day Revival at New Hope, Thomaston, on Tuesday, March 15th. The business meeting will start at 5:00, followed by a meal at 6:00 and then the Revival service at 7:00. Encourage your entire church family to attend this service. We always have a great time of worship when we get together, but I believe this one is going to be even better. You do not want to miss it.

God is moving among our churches. I hear over and over about people coming to Christ and baptismal pools being filled. Our communities need to see God at work in our churches. I am encouraged by what I see. Church members are going outside the church walls to engage the lost. There is a sense of urgency to share the Gospel. As pastors and church leaders, many of you have the privilege to equip the saints to do this work. Jon Reed made the statement recently that he believes every Christian has a desire to win someone to Christ. They just need the tools and the encouragement. Together, we can make Jesus known throughout Pike, Upson, Monroe and Lamar counties. May our passion for Christ make others hungry for Him, as well.

Pray for our students this month as we have our annual discipleship weekend, EQUIP, at Silvertown on March 4 & 5. If you haven’t yet registered your group, it is not too late. I hope to see you there.

In His Name,

Steve Laughman